Two unique lives sharing a space in time.
Countless milestones and victories celebrated together.
My first steps on this planet.
You begin a brand-new job and an opportunity to provide for your family.
My first words were spoken with hurried excitement.
You welcome two more sons into our home.
My adoption of you as my dad.
You adopt me as your son.
My first day of college and all that means.
You are a retired man.
Two unique lives sharing a space in time.
Countless milestones and heartbreaks lived through together.
My first heartbreak.
You share wisdom gained from personal experience.
My confrontation with the trials of adulthood.
You are bravely battling cancer.
My guilt as we buried my brother.
You face guilt as you buried a son.
My sense of sadness and loss as we said a last goodbye to you.
You say goodbye to this world.
Two unique lives sharing a space in time.
Countless milestones, victories, and heartbreaks for me to live through.
My simple wish is you could be here to share a few more.
My dream of chasing meaningful work.
My marriage to the partner of my dreams
My journeys around the globe.
My final chapter.
A single unique life holding a space in time.
Countless milestones, victories, and heartbreaks for me to live through.
Be good to each other,
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