Musical Thesis: Phantogram "Ceremony"
At the center of every album is a musical thesis. This thesis can be the driving force behind the album, a theme that interweaves songs together, or a feeling you are left with after the very last song plays. With some albums, the thesis is easy to find. On others, it is hidden and requires you to be more than a passive listener. These reviews are not about rating an album. Instead, it is about uncovering a musical thesis.
Wherever in this world of ours, you find yourself reading this, I need you to do me a favor. Take a deep breath and be glad you’re alive. At this moment, relish in the miracle of your existence. There is air in your lungs. Trials and tribulations beyond your true control may be attempting to convince you otherwise, but please do your best to quiet those thoughts. “Ceremony” by Phantogram filled me with gratitude for this moment. These 10 songs arrive like a force of nature. They are upbeat, focused, and left me thankful for all my collected experiences; both the good and the bad. When sewn together, I have no way of knowing if this was the original intention, but it is the thesis that remained for me.
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