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Yearview Mirror (2018)

Another trip around the sun and another opportunity to reflect on the year that was. 2018 marked our first full year living in Los Angeles. From beginning to end, this year and this place offered lessons I will keep with me for the rest of my life. During this season of thanksgiving, I am pausing on the positive and choosing to use the negative as a springboard to something bigger and better. By sharing, I am hoping you can find a roadmap for looking at your own life.

Earnestly Chasing the Pacific Crest Trail

This year will be the year I decided to earnestly chase a longtime goal of thru-hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. I have spent years thinking about the hike (I was close once before), but this was the year in which the stars aligned. Thanks to my job and future plans, finances, time, and the perfect window all opened up for me. Thanks to these blessings, I have spent much of the year researching, planning, training, and shopping. 2020 will be the year when I finally get to realize one of my dreams.

An Independent Relationship

Moving away from Seattle meant a lot of things for Brandon and me. None was more important than the practice of establishing an independent relationship. With no real family around and very few friends, Brandon and I had to choose to rely on each other for the first time. This meant growing pains, starts, stops, and starting all over again. As we prepare to turn the calendar on another year, I am thankful for the experience. With the dawn of a new set of 365 days, we emerge stronger and more in love because of the experience.

Embracing Chaos

Much of my professional life in 2018 was defined by chaos. The organization where I work is in transition. This means people moving on, strategic priorities in flux, and the future sometimes uncertain. As much as I loathe chaos, I have learned to embrace it this year. I have come to realize there is so much out of my hands. Instead of trying to control it all, I have learned to stay in my lane and take care of my business. If I can achieve that, then everything else will take care of itself.

Cherishing Each Moment

I never want to be a person who wishes the day away. Sure, there are monumental things in my future I am looking forward to, but I want to cherish this moment. Those much older than me have some fantastic wisdom to share about the speed at which time passes. In the blink of an eye, it all seems to be gone. I want to cherish this moment, the people in it, and the experiences shared. Nothing will be as magical as this moment ever again.

Seattle Is Home

Living in Seattle, I knew it to be true. Still, I needed to test my theory. I needed to move away from Seattle to know how much I adored living there. After 16 months in Los Angeles, I can say, without a shadow of a doubt, Seattle, Washington is my home and where I want to spend the rest of my days. Over the course of the next 16 months in LA, I promise to cherish each moment, but I cannot wait to be back in the arms of the Emerald City once again.

Be good to each other,


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