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Cinephile No. 600 "Sausage Party"

For my 600th film in a theater, I decided to go sophomoric, immature, rude, and a little racist. Much to my surprise, I was glad I did. "Sausage Party" was one of those movies I have eagerly awaited since the trailer was released. I mean who wouldn't love cartoon food spewing vulgarity (my mom doesn't count)? What I didn't expect from this movie was a religious debate about faith. Yet there it was as food worshiped humans like gods. Outside of the grocery store is seen as some heavenly place. Much to the surprise of those who encounter some returned honey mustard, life on the outside is hell and we are the devil. At its core this movie is crude, but in the attempt it asks some much bigger questions about God and believing. 

Be good to each other, 
