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10 Questions: Blake Mills

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1)     I believe in the 2nd Amendment. I believe it was designed for civilians to protect themselves against “foreign and domestic”. Also, I believe civilians should be able to bear arms in other ways, such as hunting game, and to have collectibles. However, assault rifles belong in other categories. Those guns didn’t exactly belong to humans in the 1700s, and shouldn’t today. I believe the NRA has ruined a lot of good things that the 2nd Amendment gives Americans.

2)     I believe the word ego describes one’s self taught image of themselves. Importance of this would be confidence and striving to be the best you can be.

3)     A Clinton or Trump presidency, to me, sets us back for the next 4 years. I truly believe neither can be trusted and would be the worst president in my 31 years of existence. I can’t see myself checking the box beside each name.

4)     I love the USA and want to be here. I would like to travel, but I haven’t seen anything out of our borders that I’d see myself living in. Always a chance. If I HAD to say somewhere, I’d say Ireland. (I don’t even know why. Beauty?)

5)     I thought to myself, I am bringing a child into this world, and we aren’t on exactly a steady path. I was frightened, mad, heartbroken and confused all rolled up into one big ball of “blah”. No one deserves to die like that, NO ONE. I feel like attacking a group of people is a cowardly act that young, naive minds see and think, “Hey, that’s what I feel like I can do to get notoriety”.

6)     I may be the only person on Earth who thinks this, but my favorite book is called “Flatbellies” by A.B. Hollingsworth. I’ve read it about half a dozen times now. It takes me back to my home town. It takes me back to where my life actually started. It helps that the main characters are high school golfers, like I was. It’s about life, about honor, and about making it, no matter the circumstance. I’m going to read it again now.

7)     I would want to eat dinner with Kim Kard….had you for a second. I’d like to eat with George W. Bush. With all his interests in sports, country living, politics, etc., I think it’d be a fascinating conversation. The questions I would ask him would be a mile long, if he’d let me. Not saying I think he’s the best President ever, but his interests out of the office are very intriguing, and I’d enjoy it thoroughly.

8)     I think climate change can’t be ignored, as a global catastrophe would end most of human life, if not all. I think we need to keep a close guard on it, meanwhile not trying to outdo ourselves, as we can’t cool/warm the earth infinitely. Common pollution is something I’d like to see worked on. (tankers, huge trucks, etc). The ozone layer is getting hammered in 2016 compared to even 1996. The ice caps are melting, it’s proven. I try to keep my mind off of it and keep that in the hands of those way smarter than me. Funding, yes, is an issue, but we can’t turn our backs on it.

9)     I think America is separating… bipartisan is a word that’s used like an every day verb. It’s said, but not meant, especially from the right side (where I used to reside). We have got to work together, but not sure that’s even possible. I figured after 9/11, we’d unite and hold arms more than ever. 15 years later, it is worse. No one trusts anybody. The media, however, blows things out of proportion, as we learned as 19-year-old newbies. The juicer, the better.  There are a ton of things that cause this. Obama can do no wrong on one end, and hasn’t made a right move in office, on the other side. It damages the image of what he’s trying to accomplish in office, and half the country is dissatisfied.

10)  The greatest challenge facing the USA is National Security. I don’t think it’s even close. Something must be done. I get it. Times change. Bad people live on Earth, and not all of them are going to go away, but some things have to be done. This is the right coming out of me. National Security has got to be strengthened, but not turn away good people. We have screenings in place, and I trust 99% of it. That 1% can backfire, as well. I just wish everyone would accept others as they are, and live life. Make this a better a world than we came into it. This is my hope and wish.