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Cinephile No. 567 “Captain America: Civil War”

"Captain America: Civil War" was about as fun as the actual Civil War. While we are on the subject, the actual Civil War had a conclusion; which has to be my biggest complaint with these movies. They just perpetuate themselves onto the next film with no end in sight. They are no longer concerned with telling a quality story, rather, they want you to open your wallet and pay for the next one. Which leads me to my second complaint, for some people, this is the first movie they’ve been in a theatre since the last super hero movie. They defend the honor of these films with all that they have while ignoring the hundreds of quality titles released by studios both large and small on an annual basis. So, no, I won’t defend these movies. Not anymore. Superhero movies make me tired and their poor understanding of a complete story is something I can no longer tolerate… see you at the next one.


Be good to each other,
