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Musical Thesis: Modest Mouse “Strangers to Ourselves”

At the center of every album is a musical thesis. It wasn’t the content of the album that stuck with me this time around, though. Rather, I was struck by the music behind “Strangers to Ourselves” which doesn’t mean the lyrics weren’t strong. They always are for Modest Mouse, but I’ve been a fan of this band for almost a decade. I’ve had the privilege of digging through the entire catalog and I’ve come to a simple conclusion; this band possess a sound all their own. When trying to explain the sound of Modest Mouse to the unbaptized, I often struggle for a comparison. Sure, everyone knows the radio hits, but when you listen to an entire album you come to a conclusion that there isn’t anyone else like them. What made this album unique was that after all this time, this band has stayed true to themselves. They seem unencumbered by the expected. Record labels and executives must hate this. Everything they try, seems experimental. They plow through and develop arrangements unlike anyone else. This bravery leads to creativity and a deep-seeded appreciation in my music collection.

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